Cleansing Smoke.
Sacred Scribess.
New Moon in Leo.
Two Twenty Two AM
The Sun is wearing a veil
Moonbeams spotlight copper moments
to be colored in calligraphy
as this one… in Hotep’s natural essence.
An iiiyansa J. Muse Etheree
As we all know, words have infinite power. It comes as no surprise that the word “spell” is both used to define the arrangememts of letters to form words, as well as rituals for intended purposes.
People in my walk of life greet each other hello and goodbye with the term of endearment, HOTEP. I felt it was fitting to define its themed word from a spiritual perspective…
H – the eighth letter of the standard alphabet. 8 is the number of infinite value. Its scribing has no beginning or ending point. In the spirit of Ifa, this letter vibrates on Obatala energy. It represents the Universal Vision of material here on Earth, perhaps something like the mainfestation of God/ess’s kingdom here in this space and time, little by little restoring abundance as it was.
O- the fifiteenth letter. Vibrating on a six in numerology…and Sango in Orisa vibration…Esu twice. Its scribing, like the 8 never ends. The O also represents the womb, the opening that births all, and the eye, the window to the soul. The O serves as the portal to transcend, only for the strongest, of course.
T- alphabet number 20. Spiritual number 2….The duality shape on a stake. Esu’s vibration entirely, as the T represents the constant crossroads. Crossroads between what, you might ask? Well, all have their own extremes of sun and shadow qualities…The T is just the reminder.
E- Letter number 5. Osun vibe, oh yes…but that’s not all. This letter vibrates on embracing the freedom of change, and the strength to let things go after a period of analysis.
P -letter number 16….spiritual number 7….a half circle on a stake forms this letter. The power of this letter is a tricky one. It represents karmic debt and the power to gain victory over. It represents insight, which is all empowering.
All of these letters combine to form the word HOTEP, and ancient Kemetic term meaning “to be at peace.” May it truly be lived by those who speak and vibrate on this word. Ase!
Goddess in the Heart’s Deep Woods
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