2025 is Oya’s Year
****NOTE:****This is based in Numerology! 2024 brought lots of inner and external revelations, and the seeing of other’s true colors. It was an 8 year, the number sacred to infinity,…
****NOTE:****This is based in Numerology! 2024 brought lots of inner and external revelations, and the seeing of other’s true colors. It was an 8 year, the number sacred to infinity,…
Pluto shifting into Aquarius will manifest Utopia for some, and Hell in a Handbasket for others. It all depends on the karmic returns due, and the willingness to evolve.
You know, life on the road less traveled can be solidary...and it makes you more thankful for others on your path. This poem is dedicated to someone who will always…
Windsday. October 18, 2023. Moon waxing in Sagittairius. A week ago from this date, I celebrated 6 years of Priestesshood to the Orisa Oya....and here she comes with the red…
Now, IX the star glyph card showed up again...reiterating last week's message. Only this time, the oracle speaks of greater cycles.
This would be the second crown I forged, and it, like my first one, had Oya ALL OVER IT! It was forged on Her day, in Her fabric, and the…
A beautiful quote from Oya...
Wednesday is the climax of the week. Oya's day is very special!
The Resolution of Duality is a lens card in the Mayan Oracle Tarot. It is a heightened version of the duality number card in the same deck.