Everyone needs someone for wise counsel and spirit advice. Even advisers need advisers and collectively, we deliver and receive affirmations to one another that make our life paths clear. A sure way to know that the Divine Source is trying to communicate something to you is when multiple people who don’t know each other (or you) tell you the same thing. When speaking to advisers, be advised that most of us don’t know each other personally, yet we have a similar heightened vibration. When the light of truth is present, our responses will echo each other in similarity. Different psychics see different things, and that can give you more details about your situation, even if the viewpoints seem to contradict. Imagine multiple telescopes focused on the same subject from different angles. See how much more detail you’ll receive? When seeking spiritual guidance, I recommend that you choose more than one, but no more than three. Make sure that your spirit resonates with each adviser…it can really maximize the clarity!
iiiYansaje T. Muse
Enchantress of Quasar Conjure
P.S.S. Would you like to hear more mystic moon information infused with my original poetry and old skool grooves? Then beam up to my radio station, 222.9 The Mothership!