The New Year begins when four seasons complete themselves. Winter Solstice ends in the zodiac house of Pisces, the mutable water sign whose currencies move to belief. This year’s winter solstice brought forth the first Super Blood Blue Moon in over 150 years. It came in Leo, (my house!) in the zodiac season of its opposing sign, Aquarius. 2018, an entire year vibrating on a master number 11/2, oozes a rare feminine energy. The nature of us all are open to receive, and the massive rise of spirituality makes this both a blessed and challenging time for us. The Piscean waters rise, Father Sky warms the air, then Her water breaks. Mother Nature and Father Sky give birth to a new season with both Mercury and Jupiter in retrograde. Spring Equinox comes forward in reflection, something like a breach birth. Complex, but stronger and more profound for it. The planets of communication(Mercury) and expansion(Jupiter) are in retrograde, indicating to us a time for silent action and inner victory. Jupiter’s retrograde calls us to revisit and further define our inner beliefs, visions, and values while Mercury’s retrograde calls us to use these reflections to finish unfinished business, groom, and prepare for their manifestation. When we allow ourselves to align with retrograde energy, we understand it is a time for a long, hard look n our most honest mirror. How will your inner victories and new beginnings complement the Universal Whole?
March is the original first calendar month, named after the war, action, and dynamic energy planet, Mars. He runs in the form of a ram, the symbolic animal of Aries, straight into the zodiac house of new beginnings! When Aries season begins, all we have been energetically hibernating during the winter blossoms in full. In a meditative vision, I saw this ram with the base of its horns turned inward, curls pointing out…hmm. This Spring Equinox’s bloom is from within. Aries is cardinal fire, the I Am energy that pushes through obstacles to clear goals, born of the waters of belief (Pisces). After water comes fire as after tears come rage and vigor, but how that energy is channeled is crucial. Aries also vibrates on the Universal Law #1: Law of Divine Oneness. It states that all we say and do affects the world around us. People born under the Aries sign will be lively, cosmic reminders to pursue our higher inner goals relentlessly.
Equinox brings about the ritual that we call spring cleaning. 2018’s spring equinox calls us to do much more. Beyond cleaning out closets, donating things, and scrubbing your external home from ceiling to baseboard, The inner spring cleaning calls us to clean our temples, which leads to a more sensitive subject-health. All physical ailments and dis-ease have a spiritual root. When those roots are plucked, treated, and healed, Mother Nature holistically provides all we need to cleanse our temples for our reborn spirits! The body and the mind are joined hands…needing equal attention for the higher good of the spirit. Father Sky has done his complex work in the quasars, while Mother Earth blossoms beautiful flowers, fruit, vegetables, and healing herbs for us to enjoy balancing ourselves with! Alchemy at its finest this spring, make sure you celebrate with deep, meditative spiritual baths and new diet lists! Fill your worlds with the powerful healing of endorphins, and allow yourself to resurrect into your highest being. Be reborn into your Godself truth at Goddess speed! Happy New Year, my beautiful people!