Although the day was festive, I was stargazing. My mind got a vision of the turtle and the hare. Mercury was runnin’, and I mean runnin’ fast, maybe got a little ahead of himself. Maybe it was deliberately divine for him fall asleep. Along comes the turtle, ever pacing herself towards a non-existent finish line. Races around the sun are merely orbits, and circles never end. It places the hare laps and laps ahead, I suppose. For a moment, the turtle did pass up the hare…the turtle? Planet Earth. The hare? Planet Mercury…uh-oh. We’re in retrograde.
We have just entered the third Mercury retrograde of this year on yesterday. In this specific case, it begins in Virgo, and ends in Leo. We have one more to go this year, beginning on December 3rd, ending in the 22nd. These times of year bring a bit of fright and isolation to humanity. I believe this is so because so much negative light is shed on the the effects of retrograde, and not enough has been shed on how this time can be just as productive.
Retrograde happens because Mercury, the planet that rule all communication orbits faster around the sun than Earth. It moves faster than Earth, and during this time it appears to be moving backwards. Actually, it is a momentary passup. Because Mercury rules communication, it confuses communication on Earth if it is in retrograde.
Retrograde helps those who align with and respect divine timing. It is a time to mentally and spiritually practice stillness organization, and rest. This can be a lot easier said than done when life seems to be ever pushing forward fast. Look at Mercury retrograde as a time to slow down the clock, do some inner reflection, and bring clarity to Self. This makes your communication with others very clear, no matter what planetary cycle we’re in. When it is not a good time for a lot of communication with others, it is a great time to communicate with self. This would be a good time to spend with old friends, indulged in relaxing energy. Organize your home, do some personal grounding…
Mercury retrograde tends to be a challenge to those who are more ruled by their practical minds over spiritual guidance, or those who don’t believe the planetary cycles affect human behavior. The reversed energies of Mercury provide a good time to reflect completing projects already begun, rather than beginning new ones. Meaning, retrograde is not the time to start new projects or jobs. A disorganized home and/or business space can cause forgetfulness, which is why organization, particularly in retrograde is essential. Mercury rules communication devices, so technology can be a issue when Mercury is in retrograde. How can this be turned into a positive? Spend as much as possible away from your devices, and more time in the peaceful serenity of nature.
Most of all, Mercury Retrograde affects communication between lovers. Partners tend to say things they don’t mean, and/or take things said out of context. Rather than this being a negative thing, it can be a time to increase personal patience, and really, really listen. It is also a good time to share moments with your mate that don’t require much talking….thus increasing intimacy, and syncing with the most important form of communication, the nonverbal kind. See? Mercury retrograde isn’t all that bad when you have a few keys to handle it, huh?
Ase in Love,
iiiYansaje T. Muse
P.S.S. Would you like to hear more mystic moon information infused with my original poetry and old skool grooves? Then beam up to my radio station, 222.9 The Mothership!