Introducing the iiiSangoma Mystic Arts Journal Vol.1: Memoirs in Waiting
The iiiSangoma Mystic Arts Journal is a self-produced collective of my original poetry, artwork, and articles. Their topics cover dream symbols, numerology reports, spiritual properties of plants, healing stones, and true short stories. This elixir of literature is featured in a full-color layout and based in a practical theme.

- Vol 1, Memoirs in Waiting, covers life as a waitress while being an empath. The poems were written during downtime between tables. Feature poems include “The Tab,” Gaia’s Rage, and “Luke 22:16.” The articles are based on the objects at hand, and divine moments in the workplace. Its time frame reflects the great precipice of a major spiritual crossroad. It also brings a practical understanding to the spiritual essences of the Yeshua Christos, and the African Deity, Esu. The journal also has an audiobook and a short film based on the journal’s feature article, “Legba, Christ, and the Crossroads.”