spades, warnings they say
tranformations, changes, shifts
for the better end.
-a haiku by I. Muse
Spades are the suit in the deck of playing cards that represents drastic transformations. It is commonly connected to the north and/or the east wind, the element air, and the suit of swords in the tarot deck. In the representation of the North, it aligns with the part of day which is night. In the representation of the East, spring. This representation gives clues of a correlation to the religious concepts of the East Wind. These contrasting interpretations share a hidden truth in the spade’s meaning and message. That hidden truth is that the darkness always eventually leads to the dawn, as dark winters lead to beautiful springs. The suit of spades bring warnings of struggles and life-altering changes…things that can make life momentarily uncomfortable. They challenge the querent to see antagonistic powers as a challenge rather than a pending doom. In the end, the changes are usually for the highest good.
Card suits are also used to read the energies of people. People who are spade personalities are people who are naturally authoritative. They are aggressive, ambitious people are mainly motivated by power, although they have a humanitarian element. Ever had someone call some a “real ace of spades?”
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