Saturnday, 10.21.2023.
In some Orisa lineages, Saturnday is Esu’s Ruling Day.
Saturnday is the day of the week where ROOT Chakra energy is the strongest. Genesis names day 6 of the week the day of the flesh, of man.
The moon was waxing in Capricorn…Saturn energy twice….the planet that rules ROOT energy.
21, as in the 21st of the day’s date, is Esu’s most powerful number.
We’re shifting from Libra’s cardinal air, to Scorpio’s fixed water.
Tonight…we embraced the rhythm of our ROOTS.

Who were “we?” The Community Music Center of Houston! We spent this enchanted evening celebrating the ROOTS of rhythm, aligning with our inner rhythms to the organic sounds of Baba Abiona Ogunrinde’s Drum Ensemble. The evening shifted to the fine line between dance and war with the Kalunga Ngolo Capoeria Angola Group. The audience and the presenters shared the space to dance. Our inner rhythms were aligned by our own intuitive dance…our own responses to the same ancient frequencies. Both ensembles gave an educational prelude, so we could embrace the ROOT of the music’s history before taking the journey into ancient groove. I must say, being anciently groovy was…is…everything.
Being the music lover that I am, I was truly honored to serve as the Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening, complete with my sage and palo santo doorway cleanse and opening libation ceremony, of course. This priestess’s work is never done, and I love to spread the positive Oya winds! It was held at The SHAPE Community Center in the Houston’s Greater Third Ward. The Tre is a real thick ROOT of mine… We used all of the ROOT energy the Universe created this day to enhance the rhythm of our natural ROOTS. Now, events as these, and Sankofa: Caravan to the Ancestors is what the ancestral energy of Autumn Equinox is really all about.
I love the divine alignment of this event, it’s outcome, and all that the Community Music Center of Houston does to preserve music from the ROOT. I’m a music lover to the ROOT…what can I say?
Ase in Love,
iiiYansaje T. Muse
The Blaq Madonna of the Airwaves
Iya Oyabumni Abimbola
P.S. Show your support to the Community Music Center of Houston via CashApp at $CMCHoustonTx, or Paypal to!