I only report angel numbers as they come to me, and I connect them with the numeric energies of the orisa! With that said, lets do some divine math!
This angel number jumped out at me in the day’s date, 9.23.23.
23 is composed of the numbers 2 and 3.
2 is the number of the Divine Feminine, partnership, balance and harmony. It is the number of the second major odu, Oyeku. It is the numeric voice of The Mothers.
3 is the number sacred to Esu, the Divine Messenger, Trickster, and keeper of the Crossroads.
Added together, they equal 5, the number of the orisa Osun, Love goddess of allure, abundance and divine flow!
5 brings a jovial energy to living, and there is a lot of power in being in joy! This is why the docs always say “laughter is the best medicine.”
23 twice adds up to a 1. the divine masculine number of a new beginning. Good choices in partnerships lead to amazing new beginnings…of a higher vibration!
Both Osun (5) and Esu (3) are creative energies, so utilize both essences when this number appears! Put your energy where your mouth is! Use Osun’s mirror to assess what is built in. Pull it out to pull yourself out of old spaces!

When 2323 appears, Esu is testing your faith through your current challenges. Embrace your deepest inner knowing to pass these tests.
When 2323 appears, in general, it brings a mirroring energy….calling you to seek the changes that you want to see in others in yourself first. Listening to your intuition is important, it’s true. Just remember that is is equally important to listen to the perspectives of your loved ones to create more balanced perspectives. Certain levels of shadow work are complete…and you are meeting new shadows. This is a good sign! It means you are growing!
When 2323 appears, know that you are on the right path, although may be uncomfortable. Find the joy in disrespecting your comfort zone, especially if you are in a space of learning to let life get good! Standing strong in the face of adversity, especially in the energies of joy and gratitude, let’s the Universe know that you re serious about your manifestations and all you are destined to have will work towards you faster.
When 2323 appears for people in twin flame separations, prepare for the end of a separation period. Know that when two souls are truly meant to be together, nothing or no one can keep you apart. Although you may be apart, know that there is divine protection around you both, ever guiding you back together in the Universe’s own timing. Use this space apart to unleash new aspects of you. Neither of you are yet clear on the magnitude of your purpose together. It isn’t just for the intense love and passion between the two of you. You have divine work to do together that neither you or them can complete with anyone else…or alone.
In connection to the cartomancy reading from 9.23.23, there is a reason that the first card draw was a complete block. Huge positive changes are headed you way, and you don’t want to miss blessings because you were entangled in someone else’s karma. It is a very subtle form of spiritual detour… but very effective.
When 2323 appears, you are being called to embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly of your life, and allow it to be beautiful in its imperfection.
When 2323 appears, learn to dance in the rain, truly happy in faith and trust that the rain is watering your future crops, and the Sun is about to shine brighter that ever before!
Ase in Love,
iiiYansaje T. Muse
The Black Madonna of the Airwaves
P.S. Listen to the audio of this along with more mystic teachings, infused with classic hip hop every Saturnday on 222.9 The Mothership Internet Radio!