Contrary to popular beliefs, people with the most freedom respect the art of restrictions. Many traditional beliefs are being shed in these times, and moral code is seeming to look more and more like weakness. In a nut shell, everybody wants to do what they want. Essentially, the supreme entity that we call God/(ess) blesses us with this free will of choice. On the other hand, the entity of the opposing force holds the most power in seduction. It invokes desire while minimizing consequence. Both extremes exist within us , and it is up to us to keep in mind that we are either freed or binded by our choices. The ties that bind are what I call the fine print of free will. With each choice we make, we should always ask ourselves, “am I serving my higher or lower self with this choice?” Sacrificing choices of the flesh to feed the spirit makes way for a well balanced, spiritual life. Sacrificing spiritual morale to fulfill desire leads to an increase in primal energies, which are never satisfied. Primal energies know no morale, as spiritual energies know no self-gratification. As you go through your daily life, I inspire you to live in freedom. Just read the fine print of each choice you make by making sure the choice affect you and others around you in the way of the higher Self.
Find more articles like these in the LAUNCH issue of my cosmic literary art journal, “Memoirs in Waiting!”