The Trickster: Who is “The Devil”? Really?
erotic berriesdangle from majestic vinesflowing in my iiiYansa J. Muse HAIKU The Devil card is in the Major Arcane in many tarot decks. It is card #15, (1+5=6, the…
erotic berriesdangle from majestic vinesflowing in my iiiYansa J. Muse HAIKU The Devil card is in the Major Arcane in many tarot decks. It is card #15, (1+5=6, the…
The 9 of Arrows is a tarot card in the Minor Arcane. The is the number of supernatural intuition and finality. The suit of Arrows represents the south wind, all…
abundance in gold my calligraphy affirms manifestations… -an iiiYansa J. Muse Haiku The Six of Bowls is a part of the Minor Arcana in the Medicine Woman’s Healing Tarot Deck,…
2017: 8.6 Another full day of readings, mainly in the area of many had it so close, yet block themselves unknowingly. I recognize traces of these things in my own…
this morning he told me goodbyein distance he subtly impliedfor his attention and affectionsI tried and tried and triedhis head seemed to always be turnedevery time I ?I embraced the…