It Was You: An Original Poem in Dedication
You know, life on the road less traveled can be solidary...and it makes you more thankful for others on your path. This poem is dedicated to someone who will always…
You know, life on the road less traveled can be solidary...and it makes you more thankful for others on your path. This poem is dedicated to someone who will always…
Now, IX the star glyph card showed up again...reiterating last week's message. Only this time, the oracle speaks of greater cycles.
Everyone needs someone for wise counsel and spirit advice. Even advisers need advisers and collectively, we deliver and receive affirmations to one another that make our life paths clear.
The Resolution of Duality is a lens card in the Mayan Oracle Tarot. It is a heightened version of the duality number card in the same deck.
I love the granite, ancient feel of the number cards of this deck! Here it shows three pebbles, symbolizes rhythm.
The Transparency is one of the lens cards in the Mayan Oracle, an exotic tarot deck that takes its user deeper into the journey within.