beautiful divine
majestic allure combine
my ?’s elixir.
-an iiiYansa J. Muse HAIKU

The High Priestess appears in many tarot decks, often times as the 2nd card in the Major Arcane. Here, she represents the ?. She is the Seeker, seeking the clarity within…She is the waters that nourish the magic seed of The Fool. She holds a mirror into your psyche by beckoning you to assess your current surroundings. ? the things you are happy to have created, as well as the patterns that you may wish to change. This thought process reveals your personal ? cycles, your ? blueprint to your patterns of creation.
After being able to clearly ? your patterns, you must then ask yourself, “What do I wish to create?” The honest answer to this question allows the Great Spirit to take hold, and lift the ☁️ of all that blocks that which you seek! You then learn what it takes to achieve what you seek. Prepare for some pattern-changing action!
iiiYansaje T. Muse
Goddess in Beautiful ? Rivers
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