erotic berries
dangle from majestic vines
flowing in my dark.
an iiiYansa J. Muse HAIKU

The Devil card is in the Major Arcane in many tarot decks. It is card #15, (1+5=6, the number of the flesh), and is by far one of the most controversial and misunderstood cards to draw. When he appears, the querent is being tested in a major way…or someone close to the querent is being led down a dark path. Many have wandered so far down this path, the light within goes dark. They then return to the children of the light to offer the very traps they have fallen for, many unaware they are being used as such. You are compelled at this point to not only resist the trap, but to come from a place of non judgement and hope that Trickster representatives find their light!
Never forget that the entity of “The Other,” “The Enemy.” and all other names appointed to the Divine Trickster is indeed appointed by the Great Spirit to test you with spiritual tricks. The test is to ? if you will choose your carnal desires over your Higher Spiritual Self, as we are all half spirit, and flesh. The Trickster is only allowed to tempt and test your free will to choose. The truth is you have the power over many oppositions, and temptations to do wrong. Devil spelled D-e-v-i-l is only live spelled backwards, meaning that the Trickster’s tempting offers are to navigate you to a path that leads to a carnal state, a backwards direction from living in the Great Spirit’s true light. When you are strong in your higher light, the entity of the “Devil,” becomes more recognizable as a complicated, tricky creation of the Great Spirit designed to how devoted you are (or are not) to the Great Spirit’s Highest Good. The Trickster is still a creation of the Great Spirit. Recognize him as such. Ase!
iiiYansa J. Muse
Goddess of the Sacred Honey Pot
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