Crimson. Scarlet. Red.
Burning. Passion. Inferno.
Fireworks my soul!
-an iiiYansa J. Muse Haiku
The i-Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle that reveals changes from within. This gentle divination art speaks through simple coin throws that change lines to form hexagrams. The oracle speaks in sixes through the elements of principles of the trigrams. Each trigram is a spirit all its own in its own unique masculine and feminine essence.
Hexagram #49 is the one of radical change. When this oracle appears, radical changes are at hand. These changes are shamanistic, so keep an eye on your inner self to be able to recognize these changes. You may need time away from large groups of people, as smaller spirited people will not understand your changes. They will adapt if and when you stand your ground. Li, the lower trigram, is the feminine principle of fire and light from both outside and within. She is the root of your radical changes. She has long been cultivating this change, rising within you in the Universe’s perfect timing in summer solstice. As her energy rises into the upper trigram, the fire and light energy marries into the waters that birth thought into life. Dui is the upper trigram of active waters that communicate and share in abundant energy. Inner conversations change with the outer ones, and the ones who communicate with you in the near future will be new faces, ones that match your path going forward. She carries into the autumn equinox, so pace yourself with these inner changes…
Then, lines 2 and 4 change….
The change in line 2 call you to focus on dealing with the inner and outer forces that sabotage your new way of life. Self- sabotage conquer will be your greatest victory, so stay aligned with the Quasars for guidance!
The change in line 6 reminds you not to weaken your core by trying to force imbalaced people to understand you before they are ready, as those yet to understand themselves cannot possibly begin to understand you. Allow both you and them space and room to grow while fusing yourself into the example they need to see.
Enter Hexagram #1: The beacon of creative force. After the feminine principles of Li and Dui have cultivated radical changes within, a supernatural masculine driving force takes over. HE is Qian, the manifestation of Heaven, doubled up in both trigrams. He represents the creative force that comes as a result of your inner radical change. Ase!
Goddess in Thundering Firedance
If you should need a personal i-Ching revelation, see my main site, , as well as to experience the entire plethora of my spiritual gifts and healing arts!